
Wunderlich lives on...

搞什麼鬼,開頭的人像明明就Franco Corelli,不是紀念Wunderlich?我也在搞什麼鬼,明明要找Hermann Prey唱的磨坊少女就逛到這來了。那就Wunderlich吧,反正我也愛,Wunderlich死得早,他的功業大致都建立在一些德語角色上,從莫札特到雷哈爾甚至龍柏格的《學生王子》也唱,他活著時在當時西德很受歡迎,在DG那套賣相很醜的全集裡Wunderlich也唱不少德國和法國的流行歌,這個〈Granada〉我沒印象有收在裡面。Wunderlich的音域和音色偏向抒情一路,後來他也嘗試華格納,可惜天不假年沒太多機會也就沒有定評,不過以他歌路唱華格納可能會稍緊。DG那套全集有收錄些義大利歌劇用的卻是德文演唱,不只英國人這樣搞德國人也這麼搞法。一大早點到這段影片實在太那個,我看了都有點不爭氣吸鼻子,Karger是Wunderlich的摯友,看到他和Wunderlich夫人想到,如果他還活著也已經不是那個我們記憶中年輕的身影了吧。

Speaker: Before his departure to America, (New York's Metropolitan Opera),
Wunderlich wanted to relax for a few days. He drove to be with some hunting friends to Upper Swabia. Peter Karger, his closest friend, was with them. He sensed the pressure Wunderlich was under.

Peter Karger: For him, hunting gave him such a feeling that he wanted to push everything else away. 'Now let's go (jaschen) hunting with our friends." he said in his Pfaelzer dialect.

Speaker: Abschalten... (switching off)...relaxing with close friends

Peter Karger: He was very happy. He sat down next to me, put his arm around me, and said, "Peter, tomorrow will be a nice hunting day; you'll see -- it will be wonderful! I have to go now (to the other house, where he would sleep), but before I go, I want to sing a song for you. What would you like to hear?" I said, "Fritz, a song by Löhns." He sang Rosemarie. He left right after that. I think he already had most of his stuff there already. He drove away. That was the last time we saw each other.

Eva Wunderlich: He called me every night before going to sleep. We spoke for a quarter of an hour. Finally, he said that he had to go to sleep. He was very tired because he had gone swimming that day, played table-tennis, and had gone hiking in the forest. Tomorrow they would all get up at 4am to go hunting. He was going down to the cellar now, to sleep. He hung up. He must have untied his shoe laces before going downstairs.

Speaker: Wunderlich suffered a skull fracture and was taken to the hospital

Eva Wunderlich: Seeing him lying there unconscious -- right away I had a strong sense that he was no longer there, that what I saw was only his body. (Sensing the inevitable) The only thought I had was that he must be fine now where he was, and that I had to let him go. I mustn't hold him back...I had to send him good thoughts.

Speaker: A day after, Fritz Wunderlich died from his injury. What remains, though, is much more than an extraordinary voice.

Thomas Hampson: What a unique combination of talent, zest for life, energy and ambition. Fritz Wunderlich was very, very alive! Everybody, tenor or not, should be interested in him. We all have to go in this direction, to follow his lead. This must be said!

Speaker: Fritz Wunderlich's strength was music, and he lived for it. To this day, he remains truly fascinating.

Eva Wunderlich: He lived a fulfilled life, no failures, he was happy in his art...

Speaker: Fritz Wunderlich lives on, in his music and in the hearts of the people...
